Welcome to our Star Wars Role Playing Game Information site.
Our aim is to provide useful resources to GM's running Fantasy Flight's RPG Star Wars game using all three core rulebooks and expansion rulesets.
A new Cheat Sheet has been created to help both GM's and Players alike in finding often used rules and dice rolls.
Here are the first searchable tables we've made available.
We have a great offer for all our visitors. Fishnets & Feathers, a small new art design studio has recently launched and have been generous enough to off a discount on any order if you use the checkout code: SW-RPG
They ship internationally, but all UK sales raise money for the Trussell Trust, a charity fighting the causes of poverty across Great Britain.
Now might be the perfect time to hang some colour on those bare walls of your gaming room!
Keep updated with changes: /SWRPGINFO.
We're continuing to add more and more data to the database and all will be searchable in a similar way to the pages above. The latest updates include:
There are plenty of other resources online for Game Masters and Players alike. Here are some of my favourites